Tagged: volleyball

How to Keep Cats Out of Sand Volleyball Court?

Having a cat intruding on your sand volleyball court is the last thing any volleyball player wants. While playing volleyball, I have seen cats invading our court and disturbing the whole rally. But then we...

What is a Volleyball Jamboree

As a volleyball enthusiast, have you ever been fascinated by playing an informal volleyball competition where the real focus is on skill development rather than winning the competition? Or have you ever dreamt of playing...

Volleyball Serve

What Is Sideout In Volleyball?

The game of volleyball has evolved over the years, and so do the meanings of the terminologies associated with the game. One such volleyball jargon which has changed its meaning is “sideout.” In today’s volleyball,...

Volleyball lift violation

What is a Lift in Volleyball?

Just like any other competitive sport, volleyball players also need to stick to the rules of the game during the play. In this regard, lift violation or as it is also known as carry or...

Volleyball Spandex

Why do Volleyball Players Wear Spandex?

While seeing the uniform of female volleyball players, you might have wondered what is the purpose of wearing spandex instead of long shorts in the game? Why do volleyball players wear spandex? Volleyball players wear...